
Pesta Seni Rakyat Pangandaran

Pesta rakyat menyambut UU daerah otonom Kabupaten Pangandaran digelar pada hari kamis sampai hari minggu. Pesta rakyat menyambut lahirnya kabupaten pangandaran ini diisi dengan kreasi seni lokal khas pangandaran, lomba-lomba seni dan budaya leluhur tingkat pelajar, wayang golek, dan lain-lain termasuk gelaran tarian kolosal kreasi seni agung yang menceritakan awal mula pangandaran terbentuk dan sejarah perkembangannya. beberapa gelaran dihela di parigi, dan yang lainnya di kecamatan lain.

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Batuan Di Cijeungjing Ciamis

Rocks that are piled in stone, the area of ​​Bojongmengger - Cijeungjing, Ciamis Regency, West Java, are not ancient inheritance. The rock is the result of natural processes that lasted for thousands of years. The area in the form of ample land in Cijeungjing Ciamis, was investigated further by archaeologists from Bandung. It was decided by the expert that the rocks in this ciamis were not historical or prehistoric relics. Though previously believed it was a historic stone.
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